An approach to identifying the real estate solution that meets your needs. 


Real estate analysis (REA) involves a programmatic approach to identifying various promising real estate options that meet recognized functional needs. A detailed analysis of existing facilities and the project context, combined with the needs established during the functional program, allows for the selection of the best option, whether it be a renovation, an expansion, or a new construction. 


Real estate analysis serves as a reference tool that enables designers of plans and specifications to fully understand the needs of a project. It consolidates the scope of the project, including functional, technical, and regulatory requirements, implementation parameters, the schedule, and the cost of the work. The option selected during collaborative workshops with various stakeholders then becomes the directive for the continuation of the project. 

Implementation steps


The steps are based on the SQI's methodological procedures: 

  • Analysis of the project context and recognized needs;
  • Determination of the project vision and general and specific orientations;
  • Identification of promising options in response to the needs and specific context of the project;
  • Selection of the best option using a weighted multicriteria grid, considering factors such as functional issues, technical feasibility, stakeholder impacts, implementation, and construction cost estimates;
  • Modeling of the scope of work and recommendations.


STGM Planification Added Value 


  • Specialization in programming and design for facilities covering a wide range of uses: hospital, accommodation, specialized healthcare, education, research, administrative, industrial, etc.; 
  • Experts who incorporate the latest trends (integrated design process (IDP), BIM tools, sustainable development, and energy efficiency); 
  • Close collaboration with various areas of expertise within STGM, ensuring technical feasibility and optimal solutions (heritage, building science, codes and standards); 
  • A rigorous approach and proven collaborative methods; 
  • A deep understanding of needs, providing innovative solutions; 
  • Creating synergy between the different stakeholders, experts, and professionals on our team.